Lunch & Listen- NYS OASAS Ombudsman Program, Community Health Access to Addiction and Mental Healthcare Project (CHAMP)

October 20, 2020
12:00 PM EST - 12:15 PM
Presented by:Stephanie Campbell

Come chat with Stephanie Campbell of the NYS Ombudsman Program, called the Community Health Access to Addiction and Mental Healthcare Project (CHAMP).  CHAMP helps consumers and providers with health insurance coverage access mental health and substance use services for individuals in need of care through the CHAMP Helpline (888-614-5400) and/or by email without the added stress of having to navigate complex insurance denials alone.

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    Knowledgable about the subject matter
    Receptive to comments and questions
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  • Not ApplicableNot useful at allSomewhat usefulUsefulVery useful
    This evaluation will be used for continuing education units.